About us

Ukrainian-born and raised, we cannot stand aside while russia commits war crimes in our home country. Using our connections in Ukraine and finding useful resources in the U.S., we have created a small, but steady stream of supplies to Kharkiv.

Our History

We are three Ukrainian-Americans with strong ties to our home country, especially the city of Kharkiv where we still have close family and friends. The three of us met back in Kharkiv during college years, eventually we all moved to the US for graduate studies. All of us were involved with different Ukrainian organizations supporting Ukraine’s fight against russia after the annexation of Crimea in 2014. When the full scale war started on February 24th of 2022, we, too, tried to scale up and ended up joining our efforts. That’s how the Mirror Stream was born to become a reliable, responsible, and transparent resource for those who want to support Ukraine in an effective targeted manner. The name, Mirror Stream, is borrowed from one of the landmarks of the city of Kharkiv. It’s a fountain at the heart of the city. It’s a place of rest and serenity, something all Kharkovites are looking forward to after the victory.

Our Team

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    Mariya Petukhova

    is a data scientist. She also came to the U.S. in 2000 with her husband. She worked at companies like DRIVIN, Vivid Seats, and ShopRunner. The first week after the full scale invasion Mariya was collecting humanitarian aid. Then she came across J5 Rescue Supply and with their help and the chain of volunteers in Ukraine and Poland was able to start supplying tactical medicine directly to Kharkiv. She paid for the first order $8000+ out of pocket. She wasn’t sure the supplies would even make it to Kharkiv. They did. She personally made two trips to Poland and one to Ukraine to deliver supplies. On the last trip she visited Kharkiv and brought her grandmother to the U.S. to safety. Her mom and brother remain in Kharkiv.
  • Sergiy Kyrychenko

    Sergiy Kyrychenko is a Ukrainian-American entrepreneur with a background in Mathematics. He moved to the USA in 1998 and worked as a researcher at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety before starting his own high-tech business in 2018. His company specializes in making data-driven comparisons of products and services, with most of its employees based in Ukraine. In Summer of 2022, Sergiy joined Mariya and Gleb at Mirror Stream Foundation. His company played a role in creating the Mirror Stream website, and he is proud to contribute to the organization’s mission. He believes that his company’s innovative approach combined with the hard work and prowess of Ukrainian professionals will make a difference in people’s lives.
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    Gleb Sirotkin

    is a professor of mathematics at Northern Illinois University (and Mariya’s husband). His parents remain in Kharkiv. Besides helping with shipments and fairs, he lands his hand in making jewelry that we sell to raise funds. He traveled to Poland to visit his family and deliver a couple of bags of supplies for Ukraine. He also took part in a conference organized by the scientists of Kharkiv State University that was partially ruined by shelling and the proceeds from registration fees were going to the restoration fund. He has also signed up to teach math online with several universities in Ukraine.
The Mirror Stream is small and nimble which allows us to procure and deliver aid to Kharkiv in a considerably faster terms than bigger organizations. We focus on Kharkiv for the following reasons: 1. Being within 30 kilometers from russian boarder, it has been in the line of constant fire from russian territory from day one. It’s bleeding resources and there is no end to it. 2. We personally know people who are on the ground there supplying defenders, hospitals and ambulances, and civilians who remain in the city so we know we are most effective here. 3. We have family there so it’s our duty. While Ukraine fights for its mere existence, it also defend fundamental freedoms that are at the core of all democratic societies, the freedoms without which the future of the world is grim.